Juara 1 :Ghina Nur Alifah (SMAN7 Banjarmasin)

Juara 2 :Nur Rahmi (SMAN5 Banjarmasin)

Juara 3 :Ciendy Shintya Alhadi (SMAN2 Kandangan)

Harapan1 : Luciana Ainun Tyas (Darul Hijrah Putri)

Harapan2 : Alya Afifa (SMAN1 Banjarbaru)

College :


Juara 2 : Annisa Amalia (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat)

Juara 3 : Tisha Wildayanti (Universitas Lambung Mangkurat)

Note :

*) Kepada para pemenang diharapkan untuk dapat hadir kembali pada sabtu, 31 januari 2015 untuk pengambilan hadiah dan sertifikat+

Hasil Technical Meeting Speech Contest AWWE 2015


Senin, 26 januari 2015

No. Urut Nama Peserta Asal Sekolah

Selasa, 27 januari 2015

No. Urut Nama Peserta Asal Sekolah


Selasa, 27 Januari  2015

No. Urut Nama Peserta Asal Perguruan Tinggi

NB :

  • Registrasi Ulang akan dibuka dari pukul 07.00-08.00
  • Peserta yang tampil pada hari pertama (senin, 26 januari 2015) diwajibkan untuk mengikuti acara pembukaan AWWE 2015
  • Pemenang akan diumumkan pada Selasa, 27 januari 2015
  • Peserta yang mendapat giliran tampil hari senin tidak diwajibkan untuk berhadir kembali pada hari selasa

Storytelling Contest for Senior High School Category

Hello, young storytellers!

These are the stories for Storytelling contest in Senior High School Category.

Remember that the participants are not going to choose the stories by themselves.

To get information of which story that you are going to perform, you have to register yourself by contacting Kak Fadli (087815993305). And you will get a lottery that reveals the story destined for you!

Brothers Grimm

  1. Rapunzel


There were once a man and a woman who had long, in vain, wished for a child. At length it appeared that God was about to grant their desire.

     These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress, who had great power and was dreaded by all the world.

     One day the woman was standing by this window and looking down into the garden, when she saw a bed which was planted with the most beautiful rampion, and it looked so fresh and green that she longed for it. She quite pined away, and began to look pale and miserable.

     Her husband was alarmed, and asked: ‘What ails you, dear wife?’

     ‘Ah,’ she replied, ‘if I can’t eat some of the rampion, which is in the garden behind our house, I shall die.’

     The man, who loved her, thought: ‘Sooner than let your wife die, bring her some of the rampion yourself, let it cost what it will.’

     At twilight, he clambered down over the wall into the garden of the enchantress, hastily clutched a handful of rampion, and took it to his wife. She at once made herself a salad of it, and ate it greedily. It tasted so good to her – so very good, that the next day she longed for it three times as much as before.

     If he was to have any rest, her husband knew he must once more descend into the garden. Therefore, in the gloom of evening, he let himself down again; but when he had clambered down the wall he was terribly afraid, for he saw the enchantress standing before him.

     ‘How can you dare,’ said she with angry look, ‘descend into my garden and steal my rampion like a thief? You shall suffer for it!’

     ‘Ah,’ answered he, ‘let mercy take the place of justice, I only made up my mind to do it out of necessity. My wife saw your rampion from the window, and felt such a longing for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat.’

     The enchantress allowed her anger to be softened, and said to him: ‘If the case be as you say, I will allow you to take away with you as much rampion as you will, only I make one condition, you must give me the child which your wife will bring into the world; it shall be well treated, and I will care for it like a mother.’

     The man in his terror consented to everything.

     When the woman was brought to bed, the enchantress appeared at once, gave the child the name of Rapunzel, and took it away with her.

     Rapunzel grew into the most beautiful child under the sun. When she was twelve years old, the enchantress shut her into a tower in the middle of a forest. The tower had neither stairs nor door, but near the top was a little window. When the enchantress wanted to go in, she placed herself beneath it and cried:

‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.’

     Rapunzel had magnificent long hair, fine as spun gold, and when she heard the voice of the enchantress, she unfastened her braided tresses, wound them round one of the hooks of the window above, and then the hair fell twenty ells down, and the enchantress climbed up by it.

     After a year or two, it came to pass that the king’s son rode through the forest and passed by the tower. Then he heard a song, which was so charming that he stood still and listened. It was Rapunzel, who in her solitude passed her time in letting her sweet voice resound. The king’s son wanted to climb up to her, and looked for the door of the tower, but none was to be found. He rode home, but the singing had so deeply touched his heart, that every day he went out into the forest and listened to it.

     Once when he was thus standing behind a tree, he saw that an enchantress came there, and he heard how she cried:

‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.’

     Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the enchantress climbed up to her.

     ‘If that is the ladder by which one mounts, I too will try my fortune,’ said he, and the next day when it began to grow dark, he went to the tower and cried:

‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.’

     Immediately the hair fell down and the king’s son climbed up.

     At first Rapunzel was terribly frightened when a man, such as her eyes had never yet beheld, came to her; but the king’s son began to talk to her quite like a friend, and told her that his heart had been so stirred that it had let him have no rest, and he had been forced to see her. Then Rapunzel lost her fear, and when he asked her if she would take him for her husband, and she saw that he was young and handsome, she thought: ‘He will love me more than old Dame Gothel does’; and she said yes, and laid her hand in his.

     She said: ‘I will willingly go away with you, but I do not know how to get down. Bring with you a skein of silk every time that you come, and I will weave a ladder with it, and when that is ready I will descend, and you will take me on your horse.’

     They agreed that until that time he should come to her every evening, for the old woman came by day. The enchantress remarked nothing of this, until once Rapunzel said to her: ‘Tell me, Dame Gothel, how it happens that you are so much heavier for me to draw up than the young king’s son – he is with me in a moment.’

     ‘Ah! you wicked child,’ cried the enchantress. ‘What do I hear you say! I thought I had separated you from all the world, and yet you have deceived me!’

     In her anger she clutched Rapunzel’s beautiful tresses, wrapped them twice round her left hand, seized a pair of scissors with the right, and snip, snap, they were cut off, and the lovely braids lay on the ground. And she was so pitiless that she took poor Rapunzel into a desert where she had to live in great grief and misery.

     On the same day that she cast out Rapunzel, however, the enchantress fastened the braids of hair, which she had cut off, to the hook of the window, and when the king’s son came and cried:

‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.’

     she let the hair down. The king’s son ascended, but instead of finding his dearest Rapunzel, he found the enchantress, who gazed at him with wicked and venomous looks.

     ‘Aha!’ she cried mockingly, ‘you would fetch your dearest, but the beautiful bird sits no longer singing in the nest; the cat has got it, and will scratch out your eyes as well. Rapunzel is lost to you; you will never see her again.’

     The king’s son was beside himself with pain, and in his despair he leapt down from the tower. He escaped with his life, but the thorns into which he fell pierced his eyes.

     He wandered quite blind about the forest, ate nothing but roots and berries, and did naught but lament and weep over the loss of his dearest wife. Thus he roamed about in misery for some years, and at length came to the desert where Rapunzel, with the twins to which she had given birth, a boy and a girl, lived in wretchedness. He heard a voice, and it seemed so familiar to him that he went towards it, and when he approached, Rapunzel knew him and fell on his neck and wept. Two of her tears wetted his eyes and they grew clear again, and he could see with them as before. He led her to his kingdom where he was joyfully received, and they lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented.



-Ellena Ashley-

  1. The Dragon Rock

dragon rock

This story begins with Once Upon A Time, because the best stories do, of course.

     So, Once Upon A Time, and imagine if you can, a steep sided valley cluttered with giant, spiky green pine trees and thick, green grass that reaches to the top of your socks so that when you run, you have to bring your knees up high, like running through water. Wildflowers spread their sweet heady perfume along the gentle breezes and bees hum musically to themselves as they cheerily collect flower pollen.

     People are very happy here and they work hard, keeping their houses spick and span and their children’s faces clean.

     This particular summer had been very hot and dry, making the lean farm dogs sleepy and still. Farmers whistled lazily to themselves and would stand and stare into the distance, trying to remember what it was that they were supposed to be doing. By two o’clock in the afternoon, the town would be in a haze of slumber, with grandmas nodding off over their knitting and farmers snoozing in the haystacks. It was very, very hot.

     No matter how hot the day, however, the children would always play in the gentle, rolling meadows. With wide brimmed hats and skin slippery with sun block, they chittered and chattered like sparrows, as they frolicked in their favourite spot.

     Now, their favourite spot is very important to this story because in this particular spot is a large, long, scaly rock that looks amazingly similar to a sleeping dragon.

     The children knew it was a dragon.

     The grown ups knew it was a dragon.

     The dogs and cats and birds knew it was a dragon.

     But nobody was scared because it never, ever moved.

     The boys and girls would clamber all over it, poking sticks at it and hanging wet gumboots on its ears but it didn’t mind in the least. The men folk would sometimes chop firewood on its zigzagged tail because it was just the right height and the Ladies Weaving Group often spun sheep fleece on its spikes.

     Often on a cool night, when the stars were twinkling brightly in a velvet sky and the children peacefully asleep, the grown ups would settle for the evening with a mug of steaming cocoa in a soft cushioned armchair. Then the stories about How The Dragon Got There began. Nobody knew for sure, there were many different versions depending on which family told the tale, but one thing that everybody agreed on, was this:

“In Times of Trouble
The Dragon will Wake
And Free the Village
By making a Lake”

      This little poem was etched into everybody’s minds and sometimes appeared on tea towels and grandma’s embroidery.

     The days went by slowly, quietly and most importantly, without any rain. There had been no rain in the valley for as long as the children could remember. The wells were starting to bring up muddy brown water and clothes had to be washed in yesterday’s dishwater. The lawns had faded to a crisp biscuit colour and the flowers drooped their beautiful heads. Even the trees seemed to hang their branches like weary arms. The valley turned browner and drier and thirstier, every hot, baking day.

     The townsfolk grew worried and would murmur to each other when passing with much shaking of heads and tut tuts. They would look upwards searching for rain clouds in the blue, clear sky, but none ever came.

     “The tale of the Dragon cannot be true,” said old Mrs Greywhistle, the shopkeeper.

     “It hasn’t moved an inch, I swear,” replied her customer, tapping an angry foot.

     It was now too hot for the children to play out in the direct sun and they would gather under the shade of the trees, digging holes in the dust and snapping brittle twigs.

     “The Dragon will help us soon,” said one child.

     “He must do Something,” agreed another.

     “I’m sure he will.”

     They all nodded in agreement.

     A week went by with no change, the people struggling along as best they could. Some were getting cross at the Dragon and would cast angry, sideways looks at it when passing. The villagers were becoming skinny eyed and sullen.

     Meanwhile, the children had a plan.

     Quickly and quietly, they moved invisibly around town, picking and plucking at the fading flowers. With outstretched arms and bouquets up to their chins, they rustled over to where the giant rock lay, as still as ever.

     The boys and girls placed bunches of flowers around the Dragon in a big circle. They scattered petals around its head and over its nose, then danced around and around it, skipping and chanting the rhyme that they all knew so well.

In Times of Trouble
The Dragon Will Wake
And Save the Village
By making a Lake.

     The searing heat made them dizzy and fuzzy and finally they all fell in a sprawling heap at the bottom of the mound. They looked up at the rock.

     Nothing happened.

     A dry wind lazily picked up some flower heads and swirled them around. The air was thick with pollen and perfume. A stony grey nostril twitched.

     “I saw something,” cried the youngest boy.

     They stared intently.

     An ear swiveled like a periscope.

     The ground began to rumble.

     “Look out! Run!Run!”

     The children scampered in all directions, shrieking and squealing, arms pumping with excitement.

     The rumbling grew and grew.

     The Dragon raised its sleepy head. It got onto its front feet and sat like a dog. It stood up and stretched, arching its long scaly back like a sleek tabby cat. It blinked and looked around with big kind, long lashed eyes.

     And then its nostrils twitched and quivered again.

     The older folk were alerted by the screams and shrieks. The ladies held up their long skirts to run and the men rolled their sleeves up and soon the whole town stood together in a tight huddle at the foot of the hill, staring up at the large beast with mouths held open.


     The noise erupted from the Dragon.


     The families gripped each other tighter and shut their eyes.


     The sneeze blasted from the Dragon like a rocket, throwing it back fifty paces, causing a whirlwind of dust and dirt.


     The second blast split open the dry earth, sending explosions of soil and tree roots high into the sky like missiles, and something else too …

     The people heard the sound but couldn’t recognize it at first for it had been such a long time since their ears had heard such tinkling melody. As their eyes widened in wonder, their smiles turned into grins and then yahoos and hoorahs.

     Water, cold, clear spring water, oozed, then trickled, then roared out of the hole, down the hillside and along the valley floor.

     The torrent knocked over a farmer’s haystack, but he didn’t care.

     The river carried away the schoolteacher’s bike shed but she cared not a jot. It even demolished the Ladies Bowling Club changing rooms but they howled with laughter and slapped their thighs. When the flood sent pools of water out towards the golf course, filling up sixteen of the nineteen holes, the men just hooted and whistled and threw their caps up in the air.

     What used to be a dirty, brown dust bowl, now gleamed and glistened in the sunlight, sending playful waves and ripples across the lake and inviting all to share.

     “HMMMMM,” sighed the Dragon sleepily, and showing his perfect movie star teeth. “Seeing as I’m awake …”

     And he lumbered forward with surprising grace and style and disappeared into the cool dark water with a small wave of a claw and flick of his tail.

     They never saw him again.

     After the families had restored and rebuilt the village, and set up sailing clubs for the children, and scuba diving for the grandparents, they erected a bandstand and monument in the spot where the Dragon used to lay. Every year to mark the occasion, they would bring garlands of flowers and herbs and arrange them in a big circle. The children would have the day off school, for it was known as ‘Water Dragon Day’ and wearing the dragon masks that they had been working on all week, would skip and clap and sing.

The Dragon helped Us
As We said He would Do
Hooray for The Dragon
Achoo, Achoo, ACHOOOO!

     And that is the end of the story.





Mike Krath

  1. High and Lifted Up


It was a windy day.

     The mailman barely made it to the front door. When the door opened, Mrs. Pennington said, “hello”, but, before she had a real chance to say “thank you”, the mail blew out of the mailman’s hands, into the house and the front door slammed in his face. Mrs. Pennington ran to pick up the mail.

     “Oh my,” she said.

     Tommy was watching the shutters open and then shut, open and then shut.

     “Mom,” he said, “may I go outside?”

     “Be careful,” she said. “It’s so windy today.”

     Tommy crawled down from the window-seat and ran to the door. He opened it with a bang. The wind blew fiercely and snatched the newly recovered mail from Mrs. Pennington’s hands and blew it even further into the house.

     “Oh my,” she said again. Tommy ran outside and the door slammed shut.

     Outside, yellow, gold, and red leaves were leaping from swaying trees, landing on the roof, jumping off the roof, and then chasing one another down the street in tiny whirlwinds of merriment.

     Tommy watched in fascination.

     “If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world,” Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors.

     Mrs. Pennington came to the front porch.

     “Tommy, I have your jacket. Please put it on.”

     However, there was no Tommy in the front yard.


     Tommy was a leaf. He was blowing down the street with the rest of his play-mates.

     A maple leaf came close-by, touched him and moved ahead. Tommy met him shortly, brushed against him, and moved further ahead. They swirled around and around, hit cars and poles, flew up into the air and then down again.

     “This is fun,” Tommy thought.

     The maple leaf blew in front of him. It was bright red with well-defined veins. The sun-light shone through it giving it a brilliance never before seen by a little boy’s eyes.

     “Where do you think we are going?” Tommy asked the leaf.

     “Does it matter?” the leaf replied. “Have fun. Life is short.”

     “I beg to differ,” an older leaf said suddenly coming beside them. “The journey may be short, but the end is the beginning.”

     Tommy pondered this the best a leaf could ponder.

     “Where do we end up?”

     “If the wind blows you in that direction,” the old leaf said, “you will end up in the city dump.”

     “I don’t want that,” Tommy said.

     “If you are blown in that direction, you will fly high into the air and see things that no leaf has seen before.”

     “Follow me to the city dump,” the maple leaf said. “Most of my friends are there.”

     The wind blew Tommy and the maple leaf along. Tommy thought of his choices. He wanted to continue to play.

     “Okay,” Tommy said, “I will go with you to the dump.”

     The winds shifted and Tommy and the leaf were blown in the direction of the city dump.

     The old leaf didn’t follow. He was blown further down the block and suddenly lifted up high into the air.

     “Hey,” he called out, “the sights up here. They are spectacular. Come and see.”

     Tommy and the maple leaf ignored him.

     “I see something. I see the dump.” The old leaf cried out. “I see smoke. Come up here. I see fire.”

     “I see nothing,” the maple leaf said.

     Tommy saw the fence that surrounded the city dump. He was happy to be with his friend. They would have fun in the dump.

     Suddenly, a car pulled up. It was Tommy’s mom. Mrs. Pennington wasn’t about to let her little boy run into the city dump.

     “Not so fast,” she said getting out of the car. “You are not allowed to play in there. Don’t you see the smoke?”

     Tommy watched the maple leaf blow against the wall and struggle to get over. He ran over to get it but was unable to reach it.

     Mrs. Pennington walked over and took the leaf. She put it in her pocket.

     “There,” she said, “it will be safe until we get home.”

     Tommy smiled, ran to the car and got in. He rolled down the back window and looked up into the sky. He wondered where the old leaf had gone. Perhaps one day he would see what the old leaf had seen – perhaps.

Hans Christian Andersen

4.The Little Match-Seller

match sellers

It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet, roamed through the streets. It is true she had on a pair of slippers when she left home, but they were not of much use. They were very large, so large, indeed, that they had belonged to her mother, and the poor little creature had lost them in running across the street to avoid two carriages that were rolling along at a terrible rate. One of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it, saying that he could use it as a cradle, when he had children of his own. So the little girl went on with her little naked feet, which were quite red and blue with the cold.

     In an old apron she carried a number of matches, and had a bundle of them in her hands. No one had bought anything of her the whole day, nor had any one given here even a penny. Shivering with cold and hunger, she crept along; poor little child, she looked the picture of misery. The snowflakes fell on her long, fair hair, which hung in curls on her shoulders, but she regarded them not.

     Lights were shining from every window, and there was a savory smell of roast goose, for it was New-year’s eve – yes, she remembered that. In a corner, between two houses, one of which projected beyond the other, she sank down and huddled herself together. She had drawn her little feet under her, but she could not keep off the cold; and she dared not go home, for she had sold no matches, and could not take home even a penny of money. Her father would certainly beat her; besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to cover them, through which the wind howled, although the largest holes had been stopped up with straw and rags.

     Her little hands were almost frozen with the cold. Ah! perhaps a burning match might be some good, if she could draw it from the bundle and strike it against the wall, just to warm her fingers.

     She drew one out – “scratch!” how it sputtered as it burnt! It gave a warm, bright light, like a little candle, as she held her hand over it. It was really a wonderful light. It seemed to the little girl that she was sitting by a large iron stove, with polished brass feet and a brass ornament. How the fire burned! and seemed so beautifully warm that the child stretched out her feet as if to warm them, when, lo! the flame of the match went out, the stove vanished, and she had only the remains of the half-burnt match in her hand.

     She rubbed another match on the wall. It burst into a flame, and where its light fell upon the wall it became as transparent as a veil, and she could see into the room. The table was covered with a snowy white table-cloth, on which stood a splendid dinner service, and a steaming roast goose, stuffed with apples and dried plums. And what was still more wonderful, the goose jumped down from the dish and waddled across the floor, with a knife and fork in its breast, to the little girl. Then the match went out, and there remained nothing but the thick, damp, cold wall before her.

     She lighted another match, and then she found herself sitting under a beautiful Christmas-tree. It was larger and more beautifully decorated than the one which she had seen through the glass door at the rich merchant’s. Thousands of tapers were burning upon the green branches, and colored pictures, like those she had seen in the show-windows, looked down upon it all. The little one stretched out her hand towards them, and the match went out.

     The Christmas lights rose higher and higher, till they looked to her like the stars in the sky. Then she saw a star fall, leaving behind it a bright streak of fire. “Some one is dying,” thought the little girl, for her old grandmother, the only one who had ever loved her, and who was now dead, had told her that when a star falls, a soul was going up to God.

     She again rubbed a match on the wall, and the light shone round her; in the brightness stood her old grandmother, clear and shining, yet mild and loving in her appearance.

     “Grandmother,” cried the little one, “O take me with you; I know you will go away when the match burns out; you will vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose, and the large, glorious Christmas-tree.”

     And she made haste to light the whole bundle of matches, for she wished to keep her grandmother there. And the matches glowed with a light that was brighter than the noon-day, and her grandmother had never appeared so large or so beautiful. She took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God.

     In the dawn of morning there lay the poor little one, with pale cheeks and smiling mouth, leaning against the wall; she had been frozen to death on the last evening of the year; and the New-year’s sun rose and shone upon a little corpse! The child still sat, in the stiffness of death, holding the matches in her hand, one bundle of which was burnt.

     “She tried to warm herself,” said some.

     No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on New-year’s day.

Mo McAuley

5.Mr. Sticky


No one knew how Mr. Sticky got in the fish tank.

     “He’s very small,” Mum said as she peered at the tiny water snail. “Just a black dot.”

     “He’ll grow,” said Abby and pulled her pyjama bottoms up again before she got into bed. They were always falling down.

In the morning Abby jumped out of bed and switched on the light in her fish tank.

     Gerry, the fat orange goldfish, was dozing inside the stone archway. Jaws was already awake, swimming along the front of the tank with his white tail floating and twitching. It took Abby a while to find Mr. Sticky because he was clinging to the glass near the bottom, right next to the gravel.

     At school that day she wrote about the mysterious Mr. Sticky who was so small you could mistake him for a piece of gravel. Some of the girls in her class said he seemed an ideal pet for her and kept giggling about it.

     That night Abby turned on the light to find Mr. Sticky clinging to the very tiniest, waviest tip of the pond weed. It was near the water filter so he was bobbing about in the air bubbles.

     “That looks fun,” Abby said. She tried to imagine what it must be like to have to hang on to things all day and decided it was probably very tiring. She fed the fish then lay on her bed and watched them chase each other round and round the archway. When they stopped Gerry began nibbling at the pond weed with his big pouty lips. He sucked Mr. Sticky into his mouth then blew him back out again in a stream of water. The snail floated down to the bottom of the tank among the coloured gravel.

“I think he’s grown a bit,” Abby told her Mum at breakfast the next day.

     “Just as well if he’s going to be gobbled up like that,” her Mum said, trying to put on her coat and eat toast at the same time.

     “But I don’t want him to get too big or he won’t be cute anymore. Small things are cute aren’t they?”

     “Yes they are. But big things can be cute too. Now hurry up, I’m going to miss my train.”

At school that day, Abby drew an elephant. She needed two pieces of expensive paper to do both ends but the teacher didn’t mind because she was pleased with the drawing and wanted it on the wall. They sellotaped them together, right across the elephant’s middle. In the corner of the picture, Abby wrote her full name, Abigail, and drew tiny snails for the dots on the ‘i’s The teacher said that was very creative.

     At the weekend they cleaned out the tank. “There’s a lot of algae on the sides,” Mum said. “I’m not sure Mr. Sticky’s quite up to the job yet.”

     They scooped the fish out and put them in a bowl while they emptied some of the water. Mr. Sticky stayed out of the way, clinging to the glass while Mum used the special ‘vacuum cleaner’ to clean the gravel. Abby trimmed the new pieces of pond weed down to size and scrubbed the archway and the filter tube. Mum poured new water into the tank.

     “Where’s Mr. Sticky?” Abby asked.

     “On the side,” Mum said. She was busy concentrating on the water. “Don’t worry I was careful.”

     Abby looked on all sides of the tank. There was no sign of the water snail.

     “He’s probably in the gravel then,” her mum said. “Come on let’s get this finished. I’ve got work to do.” She plopped the fish back in the clean water where they swam round and round, looking puzzled.

That evening Abby went up to her bedroom to check the tank. The water had settled and looked lovely and clear but there was no sign of Mr. Sticky. She lay on her bed and did some exercises, stretching out her legs and feet and pointing her toes. Stretching was good for your muscles and made you look tall a model had said on the t.v. and she looked enormous. When Abby had finished, she kneeled down to have another look in the tank but there was still no sign of Mr. Sticky. She went downstairs.

Her mum was in the study surrounded by papers. She had her glasses on and her hair was all over the place where she’d been running her hands through it. She looked impatient when she saw Abby in the doorway and even more impatient when she heard the bad news.

     “He’ll turn up.” was all she said. “Now off to bed Abby. I’ve got masses of work to catch up on.”

     Abby felt her face go hot and red. It always happened when she was angry or upset.

     “You’ve hoovered him up haven’t you,” she said. You were in such a rush you hoovered him up.”

     “I have not. I was very careful. But he is extremely small.”

     “What’s wrong with being small?”

     “Nothing at all. But it makes things hard to find.”

     “Or notice,” Abby said and ran from the room.

The door to the bedroom opened and Mum’s face appeared around the crack. Abby tried to ignore her but it was hard when she walked over to the bed and sat next to her. She was holding her glasses in her hand. She waved them at Abby.

     “These are my new pair,” she said. “Extra powerful, for snail hunting.” She smiled at Abby. Abby tried not to smile back.

     “And I’ve got a magnifying glass,” Abby suddenly remembered and rushed off to find it.

     They sat beside each other on the floor. On their knees they shuffled around the tank, peering into the corners among the big pebbles, at the gravel and the pondweed.

     “Ah ha!” Mum suddenly cried.

     “What?” Abby moved her magnifying glass to where her mum was pointing.

     There, tucked in the curve of the archway, perfectly hidden against the dark stone, sat Mr. Sticky. And right next to him was another water snail, even smaller than him.

     “Mrs Sticky!” Abby breathed. “But where did she come from?”

     “I’m beginning to suspect the pond weed don’t you think?”

     They both laughed and climbed into Abby’s bed together, cuddling down under the duvet. It was cozy but a bit of a squeeze.

     “Budge up,” Mum said, giving Abby a push with her bottom.

     “I can’t, I’m already on the edge.”

     “My goodness you’ve grown then. When did that happen? You could have put an elephant in here last time we did this.”

     Abby put her head on her mum’s chest and smiled.

Mo McAuley

6.The Tidy Drawer


One Saturday morning Abby’s Mum came upstairs to see Abby in her bedroom. Or tried to. There was so much mess on the floor she could only poke her head around the door. Abby sat in the middle of it all reading a book.

     “What a tip,” Mum said. “You need to have a clear up in here.”

     “Why?” Abby asked.

     “Why?” Mum repeated. “Because things get broken or lost when they’re all willy-nilly like this. Come on, have a tidy up now.”

     “But I’m very busy,” Abby argued, “and it’s boring on my own. Can’t you help me?”

     “No I can’t, I’m busy too. But I’ll give you extra pocket money if you do a good job.”

When Mum came back later all the toys and clothes and books had disappeared.

     “I’m impressed,” said Mum. “But I’ll inspect it properly later.”

     “It was easy,” said Abby. “Can I have my extra pocket money now?”

     “All right. Get it out of my change purse. It’s in the kitchen tidy drawer.”

In the kitchen Abby went over to the dresser and pulled open the tidy drawer. She hunted for the purse.

     “Any luck?” Mum asked.

     Abby shook her head.

     “It must be lurking at the bottom,” Mum said. “Let’s have a proper look.”

     She pulled the drawer out and carried it over to the table. Abby kneeled up on a chair to look inside. There were lots of boring things like staplers and string but there were lots of interesting things as well.

     “What’s this?” Abby asked, holding up a plastic bottle full of red liquid. Mum laughed.

     “Fake blood, from a Hallowe’en party years ago. Your Dad and I took you to that, dressed up as a baby vampire. You were really scary.”

     “I don’t remember that.”

     Abby carried on looking through the drawer. She found some vampire teeth, white face paint, plastic witchy nails and hair gel. Mum pulled out a glittery hair band. It had springs with wobbly balls on the top that flashed disco colours. She put it on her head while she carried on looking through the drawer. Abby found some sparkly hair elastics to match the hair band. She made her Mum put lots of little bunches all over her head so she looked really silly.

     “I remember this,” Abby said as she pulled out a plastic bag. “This is from my pirate party.” Inside there was a black, false moustache and some big gold earrings.

     She peeled the sticky backing off the false moustache and stuck it on Mum’s top lip then found a paint brush in the drawer and painted a fierce red scar down her cheek using the fake blood. Mum clipped on the pirate earrings.

     “Come here,” Mum said and smeared white face paint all over Abby’s face. She dribbled the fake blood so it looked as if it was coming out of Abby’s eyes and mouth. She put gel all over Abby’s hair and made it stand up into weird, pointy shapes. Abby put in the vampire teeth and slipped on the witchy fingers. She made scary noises at Wow-Wow the cat. He ignored her and carried on washing himself on the seat next to her.

     “Wotch thish?” Abby asked, holding up a flat rubbery thing. It was hard to speak through the vampire teeth.

     “It’s a whoopee cushion,” Mum said. “You blow it up and sit on it. It makes rude noises.” She blew it up and gave it to Abby.

     Suddenly there was a knock at the back door. A voice called out. “Hello, it’s only me. I’ve let myself in.”

     It was their nosy neighbour, Mrs Hislop. She was always interfering and complaining.

     Mrs Hislop entered the kitchen. Her mouth dropped open.

     “We’re jush wooking for the change pursh,” Abby explained.

     “Yes, well, er,” Mrs Hislop said, “I just wanted a word about your fence. Some of it’s blown down on my side.”

     At that moment Abby sat on the whoopee cushion and let out an enormous, rude noise. Wow-Wow jumped off his seat and ran away.

     “Well!” said Mrs. Hislop and hurried from the room and out of the house.

     When the door banged shut Abby and Mum burst out laughing until Mum’s moustache hung on by a whisker and Abby’s vampire teeth dropped out.

     Abby came to sit on her Mum’s knee.

     “It’s fun doing this together,” she said.

     “Maybe. But we still haven’t found the change purse.” They both looked at the enormous heap of things spread over the kitchen table.

     “Well, you know things will get lost, or broken, when they’re all willy nilly,” Abby said.

     “You cheeky monkey!” Mum laughed. “But what shall I do with it all?”

     “I know, it’s easy,” Abby said and began to scoop everything off the table into her arms. She dumped it all back in the kitchen drawer.

     Mum looked at her suspiciously.

     “Let’s go and inspect your bedroom shall we.”

     Abby followed her upstairs and into her bedroom. Wow-Wow was sitting in front of her fish tank looking hungrily at the goldfish. He dashed under the bed when he saw Mum and Abby. Mum kneeled down and lifted the bed cover to get him out. Underneath were heaps of Abby’s toys, books, tapes, clothes and shoes, empty plastic cups and wrappers and a half-eaten sandwich on a plate.

     “Abby! What’s all this?”

     “It’s my tidy drawer,” Abby said. She wrapped her arms around her Mum and gave her a kiss. “Let’s sort this one out together now.”


7.The Image Of The Lost Soul

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There were a number of carved stone figures placed at intervals along the parapets of the old Cathedral; some of them represented angels, others kings and bishops, and nearly all were in attitudes of pious exaltation and composure. But one figure, low down on the cold north side of the building, had neither crown, mitre, not nimbus, and its face was hard and bitter and downcast; it must be a demon, declared the fat blue pigeons that roosted and sunned themselves all day on the ledges of the parapet; but the old belfry jackdaw, who was an authority on ecclesiastical architecture, said it was a lost soul. And there the matter rested.

     One autumn day there fluttered on to the Cathedral roof a slender, sweet-voiced bird that had wandered away from the bare fields and thinning hedgerows in search of a winter roosting-place. It tried to rest its tired feet under the shade of a great angel-wing or to nestle in the sculptured folds of a kingly robe, but the fat pigeons hustled it away from wherever it settled, and the noisy sparrow-folk drove it off the ledges. No respectable bird sang with so much feeling, they cheeped one to another, and the wanderer had to move on.

     Only the effigy of the Lost Soul offered a place of refuge. The pigeons did not consider it safe to perch on a projection that leaned so much out of the perpendicular, and was, besides, too much in the shadow. The figure did not cross its hands in the pious attitude of the other graven dignitaries, but its arms were folded as in defiance and their angle made a snug resting-place for the little bird. Every evening it crept trustfully into its corner against the stone breast of the image, and the darkling eyes seemed to keep watch over its slumbers. The lonely bird grew to love its lonely protector, and during the day it would sit from time to time on some rainshoot or other abutment and trill forth its sweetest music in grateful thanks for its nightly shelter. And, it may have been the work of wind and weather, or some other influence, but the wild drawn face seemed gradually to lose some of its hardness and unhappiness. Every day, through the long monotonous hours, the song of his little guest would come up in snatches to the lonely watcher, and at evening, when the vesper-bell was ringing and the great grey bats slid out of their hiding-places in the belfry roof, the brighteyed bird would return, twitter a few sleepy notes, and nestle into the arms that were waiting for him. Those were happy days for the Dark Image. Only the great bell of the Cathedral rang out daily its mocking message, “After joy . . . sorrow.”

     The folk in the verger’s lodge noticed a little brown bird flitting about the Cathedral precincts, and admired its beautiful singing. “But it is a pity,” said they, “that all that warbling should be lost and wasted far out of hearing up on the parapet.” They were poor, but they understood the principles of political economy. So they caught the bird and put it in a little wicker cage outside the lodge door.

     That night the little songster was missing from its accustomed haunt, and the Dark Image knew more than ever the bitterness of loneliness. Perhaps his little friend had been killed by a prowling cat or hurt by a stone. Perhaps . . . perhaps he had flown elsewhere. But when morning came there floated up to him, through the noise and bustle of the Cathedral world, a faint heart-aching message from the prisoner in the wicker cage far below. And every day, at high noon, when the fat pigeons were stupefied into silence after their midday meal and the sparrows were washing themselves in the street-puddles, the song of the little bird came up to the parapets — a song of hunger and longing and hopelessness, a cry that could never be answered. The pigeons remarked, between mealtimes, that the figure leaned forward more than ever out of the perpendicular.

     One day no song came up from the little wicker cage. It was the coldest day of the winter, and the pigeons and sparrows on the Cathedral roof looked anxiously on all sides for the scraps of food which they were dependent on in hard weather.

     “Have the lodge-folk thrown out anything on to the dust-heap?” inquired one pigeon of another which was peering over the edge of the north parapet.

     “Only a little dead bird,” was the answer.

     There was a crackling sound in the night on the Cathedral roof and a noise as of falling masonry. The belfry jackdaw said the frost was affecting the fabric, and as he had experienced many frosts it must have been so. In the morning it was seen that the Figure of the Lost Soul had toppled from its cornice and lay now in a broken mass on the dustheap outside the verger’s lodge.

     “It is just as well,” cooed the fat pigeons, after they had peered at the matter for some minutes; “now we shall have a nice angel put up there. Certainly they will put an angel there.”

     “After joy . . . sorrow,” rang out the great bell.

Brothers Grimm

8.The Frog Prince


One fine evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs, and went out to take a walk by herself in a wood; and when she came to a cool spring of water with a rose in the middle of it, she sat herself down to rest a while. Now she had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite plaything; and she was always tossing it up into the air, and catching it again as it fell.

     After a time she threw it up so high that she missed catching it as it fell; and the ball bounded away, and rolled along on the ground, until at last it fell down into the spring. The princess looked into the spring after her ball, but it was very deep, so deep that she could not see the bottom of it. She began to cry, and said, ‘Alas! if I could only get my ball again, I would give all my fine clothes and jewels, and everything that I have in the world.’

     Whilst she was speaking, a frog put its head out of the water, and said, ‘Princess, why do you weep so bitterly?’

     ‘Alas!’ said she, ‘what can you do for me, you nasty frog? My golden ball has fallen into the spring.’

     The frog said, ‘I do not want your pearls, and jewels, and fine clothes; but if you will love me, and let me live with you and eat from off your golden plate, and sleep on your bed, I will bring you your ball again.’

     ‘What nonsense,’ thought the princess, ‘this silly frog is talking! He can never even get out of the spring to visit me, though he may be able to get my ball for me, and therefore I will tell him he shall have what he asks.’

     So she said to the frog, ‘Well, if you will bring me my ball, I will do all you ask.’

     Then the frog put his head down, and dived deep under the water; and after a little while he came up again, with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the edge of the spring.

     As soon as the young princess saw her ball, she ran to pick it up; and she was so overjoyed to have it in her hand again, that she never thought of the frog, but ran home with it as fast as she could.

     The frog called after her, ‘Stay, princess, and take me with you as you said,’

     But she did not stop to hear a word.

     The next day, just as the princess had sat down to dinner, she heard a strange noise – tap, tap – plash, plash – as if something was coming up the marble staircase, and soon afterwards there was a gentle knock at the door, and a little voice cried out and said:

‘Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here!
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.’

     Then the princess ran to the door and opened it, and there she saw the frog, whom she had quite forgotten. At this sight she was sadly frightened, and shutting the door as fast as she could came back to her seat.

     The king, her father, seeing that something had frightened her, asked her what was the matter.

     ‘There is a nasty frog,’ said she, ‘at the door, that lifted my ball for me out of the spring this morning. I told him that he should live with me here, thinking that he could never get out of the spring; but there he is at the door, and he wants to come in.’

     While she was speaking the frog knocked again at the door, and said:

‘Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here!
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.’

     Then the king said to the young princess, ‘As you have given your word you must keep it; so go and let him in.’

     She did so, and the frog hopped into the room, and then straight on – tap, tap – plash, plash – from the bottom of the room to the top, till he came up close to the table where the princess sat.

     ‘Pray lift me upon chair,’ said he to the princess, ‘and let me sit next to you.’

     As soon as she had done this, the frog said, ‘Put your plate nearer to me, that I may eat out of it.’

     This she did, and when he had eaten as much as he could, he said, ‘Now I am tired; carry me upstairs, and put me into your bed.’ And the princess, though very unwilling, took him up in her hand, and put him upon the pillow of her own bed, where he slept all night long.

     As soon as it was light the frog jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.

     ‘Now, then,’ thought the princess, ‘at last he is gone, and I shall be troubled with him no more.’

     But she was mistaken; for when night came again she heard the same tapping at the door; and the frog came once more, and said:

‘Open the door, my princess dear,
Open the door to thy true love here!
And mind the words that thou and I said
By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.’

     And when the princess opened the door the frog came in, and slept upon her pillow as before, till the morning broke. And the third night he did the same. But when the princess awoke on the following morning she was astonished to see, instead of the frog, a handsome prince, gazing on her with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen and standing at the head of her bed.

     He told her that he had been enchanted by a spiteful fairy, who had changed him into a frog; and that he had been fated so to abide till some princess should take him out of the spring, and let him eat from her plate, and sleep upon her bed for three nights.

     ‘You,’ said the prince, ‘have broken his cruel charm, and now I have nothing to wish for but that you should go with me into my father’s kingdom, where I will marry you, and love you as long as you live.’

     The young princess, you may be sure, was not long in saying ‘Yes’ to all this; and as they spoke a brightly coloured coach drove up, with eight beautiful horses, decked with plumes of feathers and a golden harness; and behind the coach rode the prince’s servant, faithful Heinrich, who had bewailed the misfortunes of his dear master during his enchantment so long and so bitterly, that his heart had well-nigh burst.

     They then took leave of the king, and got into the coach with eight horses, and all set out, full of joy and merriment, for the prince’s kingdom, which they reached safely; and there they lived happily a great many years.

Brothers Grimm



   Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to make himself appear important he said to him, “I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold.”

     The king said to the miller, “That is an art which pleases me well, if your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to-morrow to my palace, and I will put her to the test.”

     And when the girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, “Now set to work, and if by to-morrow morning early you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you must die.”

     Thereupon he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there sat the poor miller’s daughter, and for the life of her could not tell what to do, she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more and more frightened, until at last she began to weep.

     But all at once the door opened, and in came a little man, and said, “Good evening, mistress miller, why are you crying so?”

     “Alas,” answered the girl, “I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it.”

     “What will you give me,” said the manikin, “if I do it for you?”

     “My necklace,” said the girl.

     The little man took the necklace, seated himself in front of the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another on, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too. And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold.

     By daybreak the king was already there, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart became only more greedy. He had the miller’s daughter taken into another room full of straw, which was much larger, and commanded her to spin that also in one night if she valued her life. The girl knew not how to help herself, and was crying, when the door opened again, and the little man appeared, and said, “What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold for you?”

     “The ring on my finger,” answered the girl.

     The little man took the ring, again began to turn the wheel, and by morning had spun all the straw into glittering gold.

     The king rejoiced beyond measure at the sight, but still he had not gold enough, and he had the miller’s daughter taken into a still larger room full of straw, and said, “You must spin this, too, in the course of this night, but if you succeed, you shall be my wife.”

     Even if she be a miller’s daughter, thought he, I could not find a richer wife in the whole world.

     When the girl was alone the manikin came again for the third time, and said, “What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?”

     “I have nothing left that I could give,” answered the girl.

     “Then promise me, if you should become queen, to give me your first child.”

     Who knows whether that will ever happen, thought the miller’s daughter, and, not knowing how else to help herself in this strait, she promised the manikin what he wanted, and for that he once more spun the straw into gold.

     And when the king came in the morning, and found all as he had wished, he took her in marriage, and the pretty miller’s daughter became a queen.

     A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she never gave a thought to the manikin. But suddenly he came into her room, and said, “Now give me what you promised.”

     The queen was horror-struck, and offered the manikin all the riches of the kingdom if he would leave her the child. But the manikin said, “No, something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world.”

     Then the queen began to lament and cry, so that the manikin pitied her.

     “I will give you three days, time,” said he, “if by that time you find out my name, then shall you keep your child.”

     So the queen thought the whole night of all the names that she had ever heard, and she sent a messenger over the country to inquire, far and wide, for any other names that there might be. When the manikin came the next day, she began with Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar, and said all the names she knew, one after another, but to every one the little man said, “That is not my name.”

     On the second day she had inquiries made in the neighborhood as to the names of the people there, and she repeated to the manikin the most uncommon and curious. Perhaps your name is Shortribs, or Sheepshanks, or Laceleg, but he always answered, “That is not my name.”

     On the third day the messenger came back again, and said, “I have not been able to find a single new name, but as I came to a high mountain at the end of the forest, where the fox and the hare bid each other good night, there I saw a little house, and before the house a fire was burning, and round about the fire quite a ridiculous little man was jumping, he hopped upon one leg, and shouted –

     ‘To-day I bake, to-morrow brew,

     the next I’ll have the young queen’s child.

     Ha, glad am I that no one knew

     that Rumpelstiltskin I am styled.'”

     You may imagine how glad the queen was when she heard the name. And when soon afterwards the little man came in, and asked, “Now, mistress queen, what is my name?”

     At first she said, “Is your name Conrad?”


     “Is your name Harry?”


     “Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin?”

     “The devil has told you that! The devil has told you that,” cried the little man, and in his anger he plunged his right foot so deep into the earth that his whole leg went in, and then in rage he pulled at his left leg so hard with both hands that he tore himself in two.

Brothers Grimm

10.The Twelve Dancing Princesses


     There was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters. They slept in twelve beds all in one room and when they went to bed, the doors were shut and locked up. However, every morning their shoes were found to be quite worn through as if they had been danced in all night. Nobody could find out how it happened, or where the princesses had been.

     So the king made it known to all the land that if any person could discover the secret and find out where it was that the princesses danced in the night, he would have the one he liked best to take as his wife, and would be king after his death. But whoever tried and did not succeed, after three days and nights, they would be put to death.

     A king’s son soon came. He was well entertained, and in the evening was taken to the chamber next to the one where the princesses lay in their twelve beds. There he was to sit and watch where they went to dance; and, in order that nothing could happen without him hearing it, the door of his chamber was left open. But the king’s son soon fell asleep; and when he awoke in the morning he found that the princesses had all been dancing, for the soles of their shoes were full of holes.

     The same thing happened the second and third night and so the king ordered his head to be cut off.

     After him came several others; but they all had the same luck, and all lost their lives in the same way.

     Now it happened that an old soldier, who had been wounded in battle and could fight no longer, passed through the country where this king reigned, and as he was travelling through a wood, he met an old woman, who asked him where he was going.

     ‘I hardly know where I am going, or what I had better do,’ said the soldier; ‘but I think I would like to find out where it is that the princesses dance, and then in time I might be a king.’

     ‘Well,’ said the old woman, ‘that is not a very hard task: only take care not to drink any of the wine which one of the princesses will bring to you in the evening; and as soon as she leaves you pretend to be fast asleep.’

     Then she gave him a cloak, and said, ‘As soon as you put that on you will become invisible, and you will then be able to follow the princesses wherever they go.’ When the soldier heard all this good advice, he was determined to try his luck, so he went to the king, and said he was willing to undertake the task.

     He was as well received as the others had been, and the king ordered fine royal robes to be given him; and when the evening came he was led to the outer chamber.

     Just as he was going to lie down, the eldest of the princesses brought him a cup of wine; but the soldier threw it all away secretly, taking care not to drink a drop. Then he laid himself down on his bed, and in a little while began to snore very loudly as if he was fast asleep.

     When the twelve princesses heard this they laughed heartily; and the eldest said, ‘This fellow too might have done a wiser thing than lose his life in this way!’ Then they rose and opened their drawers and boxes, and took out all their fine clothes, and dressed themselves at the mirror, and skipped about as if they were eager to begin dancing.

     But the youngest said, ‘I don’t know why it is, but while you are so happy I feel very uneasy; I am sure some mischance will befall us.’

     ‘You simpleton,’ said the eldest, ‘you are always afraid; have you forgotten how many kings’ sons have already watched in vain? And as for this soldier, even if I had not given him his sleeping draught, he would have slept soundly enough.’

     When they were all ready, they went and looked at the soldier; but he snored on, and did not stir hand or foot: so they thought they were quite safe.

     Then the eldest went up to her own bed and clapped her hands, and the bed sank into the floor and a trap-door flew open. The soldier saw them going down through the trap-door one after another, the eldest leading the way; and thinking he had no time to lose, he jumped up, put on the cloak which the old woman had given him, and followed them.

     However, in the middle of the stairs he trod on the gown of the youngest princess, and she cried out to her sisters, ‘All is not right; someone took hold of my gown.’

     ‘You silly creature!’ said the eldest, ‘it is nothing but a nail in the wall.’

     Down they all went, and at the bottom they found themselves in a most delightful grove of trees; and the leaves were all of silver, and glittered and sparkled beautifully. The soldier wished to take away some token of the place; so he broke off a little branch, and there came a loud noise from the tree. Then the youngest daughter said again, ‘I am sure all is not right — did not you hear that noise? That never happened before.’

     But the eldest said, ‘It is only our princes, who are shouting for joy at our approach.’

     They came to another grove of trees, where all the leaves were of gold; and afterwards to a third, where the leaves were all glittering diamonds. And the soldier broke a branch from each; and every time there was a loud noise, which made the youngest sister tremble with fear. But the eldest still said it was only the princes, who were crying for joy.

     They went on till they came to a great lake; and at the side of the lake there lay twelve little boats with twelve handsome princes in them, who seemed to be waiting there for the princesses.

     One of the princesses went into each boat, and the soldier stepped into the same boat as the youngest. As they were rowing over the lake, the prince who was in the boat with the youngest princess and the soldier said, ‘I do not know why it is, but though I am rowing with all my might we do not get on so fast as usual, and I am quite tired: the boat seems very heavy today.’

     ‘It is only the heat of the weather,’ said the princess, ‘I am very warm, too.’

     On the other side of the lake stood a fine, illuminated castle from which came the merry music of horns and trumpets. There they all landed, and went into the castle, and each prince danced with his princess; and the soldier, who was still invisible, danced with them too. When any of the princesses had a cup of wine set by her, he drank it all up, so that when she put the cup to her mouth it was empty. At this, too, the youngest sister was terribly frightened, but the eldest always silenced her.

     They danced on till three o’clock in the morning, and then all their shoes were worn out, so that they were obliged to leave. The princes rowed them back again over the lake (but this time the soldier placed himself in the boat with the eldest princess); and on the opposite shore they took leave of each other, the princesses promising to come again the next night.

     When they came to the stairs, the soldier ran on before the princesses, and laid himself down. And as the twelve, tired sisters slowly came up, they heard him snoring in his bed and they said, ‘Now all is quite safe’. Then they undressed themselves, put away their fine clothes, pulled off their shoes, and went to bed.

     In the morning the soldier said nothing about what had happened, but determined to see more of this strange adventure, and went again on the second and third nights. Everything happened just as before: the princesses danced till their shoes were worn to pieces, and then returned home. On the third night the soldier carried away one of the golden cups as a token of where he had been.

     As soon as the time came when he was to declare the secret, he was taken before the king with the three branches and the golden cup; and the twelve princesses stood listening behind the door to hear what he would say.

     The king asked him. ‘Where do my twelve daughters dance at night?’

     The soldier answered, ‘With twelve princes in a castle underground.’ And then he told the king all that had happened, and showed him the three branches and the golden cup which he had brought with him.

     The king called for the princesses, and asked them whether what the soldier said was true and when they saw that they were discovered, and that it was of no use to deny what had happened, they confessed it all.

     So the king asked the soldier which of the princesses he would choose for his wife; and he answered, ‘I am not very young, so I will have the eldest.’ — and they were married that very day, and the soldier was chosen to be the king’s heir

Stories for Storytelling Contest (Category : Junior High School)

Hello, young storytellers!

These are the stories for Storytelling contest in Junior High School Category.

Remember that the participants are not going to choose the stories by themselves.

To get information of which story that you are going to perform, you have to register yourself by contacting Kak Ipit (089692167612). And you will get a lottery that reveals the story destined for you!

1. The Red Dragons versus the White Dragon


Folklore from South Kalimantan

ONCE upon a time in South Kalimantan, there was a family. The father was a fisherman. The fisherman had a wife and a son. His son was still a little boy. The fisherman and his wife loved him very much.

The fisherman made living from catching fish in the river. He had a small sampan and a net. Everyday he rowed his sampan along the river. He threw the net and caught the fish.

However, one day he could not catch any fish. He was curious why the fish was gone. He threw his net once again. Then as he felt the net was heavy, he pulled it carefully. When he saw his net, he was disappointed. He did not catch any fish but instead, there was a big egg in his net. He threw the egg back to the river. He threw his net again.

Suddenly, he felt the net was heavy. This time he really hoped he caught a lot of fish. Sadly, there was no fish at all. Again, he found a big egg in his net. And he threw the egg back to the river.

Later, he threw the net back to the river. And it happened again. He did not catch any fish, but he caught a big egg. The fisherman gave up. He did not want to go home with empty hands. So he brought the egg home.

When he arrived at home, he told his wife that he could not catch any fish. Instead, he caught a big egg. He asked his wife to boil the egg. When it was cooked, they both ate the egg.

Meanwhile, their son was sleeping. They did not eat the whole egg. The rest of the egg was still on the plate. Later, the fisherman and his wife went to bed.

In the morning, they both woke up. They felt something very strange with their body. They had red scales all over their bodies. They also had tails. Their bodies grew bigger. The fisherman and his wife had changed into red dragons.

They were shocked! They ran away from the house and jumped to the river. They swam and they found another dragon. And it was a white dragon.

“Ha ha ha.. You have eaten the egg.And now you have changed into a dragon like me!” said the white dragon.

“What do you mean?” asked the fisherman.

“I hate you. I know you always catch the fish here..The fish is my food too. I want to stop you catching the fish. So I put the egg in your net. The egg is a magic egg. Anyone who eats the egg will change into a dragon” said the white dragon.

The fisherman was angry. He wanted to attack the white dragon. Suddenly he remembered his son. He asked his wife to go back home and told him not to eat the egg.

The fisherman’s wife immediately went home. When she arrived, her son already woke up, He was crying looking for his parents. He was so scared when he saw a dragon at home.

“Don’t be afraid, my son. It’s me. I’m your mother. Your father and I have changed into dragons. Please don’t eat the egg on the plate. Otherwise you will change into a dragon too. Right now, your father is fighting against the white dragon. I will follow him. After this, you go to the river. If you see the water in the river changed into white, it means your father and I already kill the white dragon. But if you see the water is red, it means we are dead,” later she went back to the river.

The boy then went to the river. He was waiting for days. After a while, he saw the water changed into white. After that, his parents appeared and swam to the river side.

The father said, “My son, we cannot be together anymore. Your mother and I will stay in the river forever. But don’t worry, we will always guard you.” Then they swam back to the river and disappeared.

Until now, the people in Kalimantan believe that dragons still live in the rivers. People from Dayak Tribe also believe that when a dragon shows up in the river, the rain will fall down heavily and flood the area.

2. The Legend of Batu Hapu Cave


Folklore from South Kalimantan

IN Tapin, South Kalimantan, there is a tourist destination. There is a cave and people name it Batu Hapu Cave. The locals say that there is a legend how the cave was made. Do you want to know the story? Read on!

Once upon a time, there was an old woman named Nini Kudampai who lived with her only son. The name of her son was Angui. Angui’s father died when he was a baby. Nini Kudampai and Angui were really poor. Though Angui was very young, he behaved like an adult. He was kind and very helpful. He knew he had to help his mother to earn a living, and that made his mother loved him very much.

Angui had three pets. They were a white pig, a white dog, and a white rooster. He liked to play with them after helping his mother. It was a beautiful day when Angui was playing with his three pets. Suddenly, a rich merchant was passing Angui’s house. The rich merchant stopped and paid attention to the kid. He liked Angui very much. He asked some people about Angui. And when he knew that Angui came from a poor family, he wanted to adopt Angui.

The rich merchant came to Angui’s house. He talked to Nini Kudampai. He told him that he wanted to adopt Angui. He promised that he would let Angui go home and live with her when Angui become an adult. And he also promised that he would give Angui a good education.

Nini Kudampai was so touched. She was in a big dilemma. She was happy that her only son would get a good education, however she was also sad that she would not see her son anymore. She agreed with the merchant’s plan. She let him adopt her son.

With a big ship, the merchant and Angui sailed to the city. The merchant raised Angui very well. He sent Angui to the best school. And he also taught him how to do business. Angui was smart. He could understand everything quickly. The merchant was very happy. He slowly gave some of his business to Angui. And Angui paid the trust by giving the merchant a lot of profit.

Soon, Angui became an adult. The rich merchant then planned to give all his business to Angui. However, the rich merchant asked Angui to get married first before he could receive the entire merchant’s business, and Angui agreed.

Angui had fallen in love with a girl. He knew it was time for him to get married, especially when the merchant had promised to give him all the business. He did not waste much time. Angui proposed the girl and the girl happily accepted him.

Angui and his wife were very happy. Also, they were very rich. The merchant remembered his promise to Nini Kudampai. He told Angui to go home, but Angui refused. The merchant then reminded Angui about his promise. His wife also asked Angui to go to his hometown. Angui gave up. He asked his crew to prepare his ship. They would sail to Tapin.

The news spread very fast. People in Tapin were spreading the news that Angui would go back home. His mother finally heard the news, so she brought Angui’s pets: the white pig, the white dog, and the white rooster, to the harbor.

Nini Kudampai was standing at the harbor. When she saw Angui, she called out his name. Angui saw his mother who looked very old and shabby. He was ashamed. His wife asked him who the old woman was, but he said that he did not know her. He then asked his crew to continue sailing. The ship did not stop.

Nini Kudampai was so sad, and she was also very angry. She cursed Angui for ignoring her. She had been waiting for her son to come back. And when he arrived, he ignored and did not want to admit her as his mother.

God heard the old woman’s praying. Suddenly the rain fell down heavily. Thunder attacked the ship. It turned upside down! The ship finally stranded. Slowly the ship changed into a big stone. Later, the big stone slowly changed into a cave. People then named the cave as Batu Hapu Cave. ***

3. Ambun and Rimbun


Folktale from Central Kalimantan

AMBUN and Rimbun were brothers. People always thought they were twins, they both looked alike. Actually, Ambun was one year older than Rimbun.

The two brothers lived with their mother in a hut. Their father had died when they were kids. They always helped their mother finding some firewood and then sold them at the market.

They were poor and Ambun was upset with his condition. He wanted to go to some place and worked. He hoped he could get lots of money and give it to his mother.

He talked to his mother about his plan. His mother could not stop him. However, Rimbun also wanted to join his older brother. Apparently he also had the same feeling about their poor life. The mother could not do anything. She knew how good they were. She also knew that they just wanted to make her happy.

Before they left, their mother gave them two traditional knives, one was wrapped by red cloth and the other one was wrapped by yellow cloth. Ambun got the red one, while Rimbun got the yellow one.

The two brothers started their journey. When they crossed a jungle, suddenly Rimbun fell down. Ambun was panicked.

“What happened? Are you all right?”

Rimbun didn’t say anything. He looked very pale. Ambun brought him to sit under a big tree. Rimbun suffered a strange illness. His physical condition was getting weaker. And finally, Rimbun died.

Ambun was extremely sad. He felt guilty. He thought that he should not have let his brother join him. Ambun then buried his brother. He took his brother’s knife and stabbed it on his grave.

Ambun continued his journey in the jungle. It was getting dark and he did not have a place to stay. From a distance, he saw a house. He knocked the door, not long after that an old woman greeted him. Ambun asked her permission to stay in her house. Luckily she welcomed him to stay.

Ambun introduced himself to her and told her about his mother and his brother, who was just dead in the jungle. He also told her that he wanted to work so he could have lots of money. He wanted to make his mother happy.

The old woman was amazed to hear how Ambun wanted to make his mother happy. She then told him great information.

“I heard that the king is looking for a man to marry his daughter. Later he will also ask the man to be the next king to replace him. But there is one condition. The man has to be able to jump from the front yard of the palace to the roof of the palace to pick a jasmine flower.”

Ambun wanted to participate. He believed he could do it. When his father was alive, he had taught his sons some skills.

Ambun and the old woman arrived at the palace. People mocked Ambun. Previously, some princes from other kingdoms had tried and they all failed. They thought how a poor man like Ambun could win the competition.

Fortunately, the king let him try. Ambun concentrated. He was thinking of his father. Then wooosshhhh. He could easily jump and pick the jasmine. People were astonished! They applauded and cheered for Ambun. The king was also happy that he finally found the winner.

Before his wedding to The King’s daughter started, Ambun went home. He wanted to ask his mother to stay in the palace. However, Ambun’s mother was extremely sad when she knew Rimbun was dead. She asked Ambun to find ‘the water of life’ in the top of the mountain.

After he got the water, his mother asked Ambun to dig Rimbun’s grave. She poured the water into Ambun’s dead body. Amazingly, Rimbun was back to life. The family was reunited. Ambun got married and later he became the king. He also asked the old woman to stay in the palace. Since then they all lived happily ever after. ***

4. The Hidden Treasure

Folklore from Bali

A long time ago, there lived a farmer with his five sons. The farmer’s wife died when the youngest child was a baby. The farmer was rich. He had a spacious rice field. He had a big house and lots of money. The five sons were teenagers. Sadly, they did not like to help their father. They only played and wasted their time having fun with their friends. They always asked money to their parent and wasted it by gambling.

The father had repeatedly told them to work hard and not to waste the money.

Unfortunately they never listened to their father. They always ignored him. The father was sad. He always thought about his children’s bad behavior. It made his health get worse. He suffered an illness.

What did the children do when they knew their father was sick? They did not care at all! They kept on wasting their father’s money.

The father was not able to work. He did not have any income. He spent all the money to buy the medicine. Slowly, the farmer was getting poor.

The father was in the critical condition. He thought that he would not be able to live any longer. He asked all his children to meet him.

“My health is getting worse and I think I cannot live any longer. Before I die, I want to tell you a secret. Promise that you will never share this secret to any other people,” said the father.

“What secret, Father?” asked the oldest son.

“I have a great treasure. The value is so expensive. Ifyou sell it, you will have Iots of money,” said the father.

“Really? Where is the treasure, Father?” asked the second son.

“I buried it in my rice fleld. I forget which side of the field. You haVe to hoe and dig all areas,” explained the father. Not long after he. told them the secret, the father died.

Later, those flve sons went to the rice fields. It was not in a good condition. It was dried.and there was no rice plant at all. They brought some hoes and crowbars.They started to dig the rice field.

The rice fleld was so spacious. It was almost dark and they had not got any signs of the treasure.

“I think it’s enough for today. Let’s go home and we will continue tomorrow” suggested the oldest child. The others agreed.

They all went home. The next morning, they went back to the rice fleld. They hoed and dug the land. Again, until it was almost dark, they could not find the treasure.

On the third day, they had completed hoed and dug the land..They were confused.

“Do you think our father lied to us? He said that he buried the treasure in this fleld. We have dug all areas but we cannot flnd it,” said the oldest son.

‘Yes, you are right! I think our father lied to us,” said the third son.

The youngest son interrupted. He said, “No! You are wrong! Our father did not lie to us. He was right when he said the treasure is inside this field. In fact we are now looking at the treasure.”

“What do you mean?” asked the fourth son.

“This rice field is our treasure. You see… this field is so spacious. When it is time to harvest, the field will give us lots of money. Where do you think our father had tots of money? The money is from this field! Come on, let’s work hard and cultivate this field. I’m sure we will have lots of money during the harvest,” explained the youngest child.

All the other sons understood. They also realized their mistakes. They knew they had been wrong and they had to stop their bad habits. Since then, the five sons worked hard. Slowly they became rich again. ***

5. La Golo and His Friends

Folklore from Nusa Tenggara Barat

THERE was a rich family with only one child. The name of the child was La Golo. The parents really loved him. Whatever the child asked, the parents always said yes. Indeed, the parents really spoiled him.

La Golo grew as a spoiled boy. He was lazy and disobedient to his parents. He only loved to play and never wanted to help his parents.

The father was so upset to see La Golo’s behavior. He was so disappointed with him. He wanted La Golo to leave the house! The father had a plan.

“I want to ask him to accompany me to go hunting in the jungle. Later I would leave him alone there said the father to himself.

La GoIo was happy when his father asked him to go hunting. He loved hunting. He brought his arrow. He was ready to catch some animals.

They arrived in the jungle. When La Golo was busy looking for the animals, his father slowly left him.

La Golo was lost! He was looking for his father.

“Father! Where are you? Father!”

No answer. La Golo suddenly realized that his father had planned this. He was so sad. He regretted his bad behavior.

La Golo kept on looking. Suddenly, he met a boy. His name was Sandari. They introduced themselves and together they were looking for the way to go home.

They met two other boys who were also lost. Their names were La Ngepe and La Bonggo. The four boys became friends. They all had one thing in common. They all were children who were left by their fathers in the jungle. The four of them were naughty and spoiled boys who were not wanted by their fathers!

They boys saw a deer. They were amazed with the deer’s speed. The boys wanted to learn how to run like a deer. They asked the deer to teach them how to run. The deer agreed but they had to promise not to hunt and to behave well. The boys agreed.

Later the boys saw a monkey. They were impressed to see how the monkey climbed a tree. They asked the monkey to teach them how to climb trees. The monkey agreed and he also asked the boys not to hunt and to behave well. The boys agreed.

The boys already got the skills of how to climb trees. Then they met a buffalo. They were impressed when the buffalo smashed his head. The buffalo was so powerful. They asked the buffalo the skill to smash heads.

The same as the deer and the monkey, the buffalo also asked the boys to do the same things. They boys were not allowed to go hunting and to behave i well. The boys promised.

The four boys continued their journey. They arrived in one kingdom. The king held a competition. It was running and head-smashing competitions. The prize was gold!

“I want to join the competition. I want to use the prize as gifts to our parents, to show them that we are no longei spoiled children,” said La Golo to his friends.

They liked La Golo’s idea and they all supported him.

Running was the first competition. La Golo used the skills taught by the deer on how to run fast. He won! All La Golo’s friends cheered him.

“Hooray! Hooray!”

The next competition was head-smashing competition. All the participants had’to smash their heads against the king’s best soldier. One by one, the participants lost the match. It was La Golo’s time. He used the buffalo’s skill He won! La Golo received the gold. He shared the gold with his friends.

“It is time for us to go home. Give this gold to our parents. Tell them that we are sorry and we want to apologize,” said La Golo.

The king helped the boys to find their homes. He asked his soldiers to accompany the boys to go home. ***

6. The Magic Traditional Drum


Folklore from Riau

ONCE upon a time in Pelalawan Kingdom, Riau, there lived a poor fisherman with his wife and children. The fisherman had a special ability. He could cure sick people. People liked him very much. The fisherman was kind and helpful. He never asked for anything when he healed the sick people.

How did the fisherman cure the sick people? Well, he used a magic traditional drum. He spelled some magic words and then hit the magic drum harmoniously. And it always worked! The sick people were always cured after they heard the rhythm of the drum.

The fisherman got the skills from his teacher. His teacher said that the magic drum could do anything even brought back the dead people to life. However he was not allowed to do that, he could only cure sick people. If he used the drum to bring back the dead, the fisherman would die!

The fisherman was so famous. Everyday sick people always came to his house to ask for his help. Although he became very famous, the fisherman was still humble. He always did his job as a fisherman.

One day a soldier came to the fisherman’s house. “The king wants to see you now,” said the soldier. The fisherman then followed the soldier to go to the palace.

“How can I help you, Your Majesty?” asked the fisherman to the king. “I heard you have a magic drum that can cure sick people. I want you to do something for me,” said the king.

“What do you want me to do, Your Majesty?”

The king took a deep breath. He looked at the fisherman closely then said, “My daughter just died. I love her very much and I don’t want to lose her. I want you to use your drum to bring my daughter back to life.”

The fisherman was so shocked when he heard the king’s order! “I cannot do that, Your Majesty. I am not allowed to do that ” said the fisherman nervously.

“I don’t care! If you don’t help me, I will hang you and all your family!” yelled the king. The fisherman was speechless. He was in great dilemma. He loved his family and he did not want them to die. “All right, Your Majesty… I will help you,” said the fisherman weakly.

The king brought the fisherman to his daughter’s bedroom. She was lying on the bed. The fisherman was sitting on her side. He spelled some magic words and started to hit the drum harmoniously. After a while, the princess moved her hands. Yes, the king’s daughter was back to life! The king was extremely happy. He hugged his daughter.

The fisherman secretly left the palace. He went to his house and talked to his family about the dead princess.

“I have already broken my teacher’s advice and I will not see you anymore.”

“Can we meet you again?” asked the wife sadly.

‘Yes, you can. During rain, please go to Selempaya River and you can see me again there,” said the fisherman. He then brought his drum. He went to the river and rowed his sampan.

At the river, he dropped his drum and it was sinking. Slowly the fisherman disappeared. .

Days later it was raining. The flsherman’s wife and her children went to the river. From the distance they saw the image of the fisherman playing and hitting the drum. They were so happy, at least for a moment they could see him.

Until now people still believe that the fisherman still ‘lives’, in Selempaya river. They often hear the sound of the drum being played when rain falls down. ***

7. The Cat and the Tiger


Folklore From Lampung

Long time ago, animals were able to talk to one another. They talked just like humans talk to other humans. All the animals lived peacefully in the jungle. They had a king, and their king was the cat.

All animals chose the cat as their king because he had all the knowledge and the skills. He was the wisest and the cleverest animals in the jungle. Other animals became his students. The cat was a generous and kind animal. He was willing to teach them everything.

One of the cat’s students was the tiger. He was the most obedient student. Whatever the teacher asked, the tiger was always willing to do. Days and nights, the tiger was with the cat. He wanted to master all the cat’s skills. He wanted to be the best animal in the jungle.

“Master, there is one skill you haven’t taught me yet,” said the tiger. “It’s the skill of how to climb trees. You are good at climbing trees, Master, and I want to have that skill,” said the tiger.

Actually, the cat had a bad feeling about the tiger. The cat did not really believe the tiger’s sincerity in becoming his student. The cat did not want to teach him the skill of how to climb trees. He felt the tiger would be a super animal if he mastered the skill.

The cat knew the tiger’s potential. Therefore he always prolonged the tiger’s request. “You have to wait. You are not ready to study how to climb the tree. Let me teach you another skill.

It’s how to sneak,” said the cat.

In a very short time, the tiger mastered the skill. He could sneak perfectly. He was very happy. Then he asked his teacher to teach him how to climb the tree. And again the cat prolonged his student’s request.

“Wait, you haven’t mastered the skill of how to swim,” said the cat. He hoped the tiger could not study the skill easily. He knew it’s very difficult to swim. But the cat was wrong. Indeed, the tiger was a great animal. He could swim in just a minute.

The tiger became restless. He had a feeling that his teacher did not want to teach him how to climb trees. However he just kept his feeling in his heart. And when the cat again prolonged his request to teach him climb trees, the tiger became very angry.

“Master, I am your best student. And not only that, I’m your most obedient student compared to the other animals. I’m always next to you days and nights and I’m willing to do anything you asked me, but why don’t you teach me how to climb trees?” asked the tiger. The cat knew he could not always hide it anymore. Sooner or later he had to tell the truth. “My student, I have a reason. I don’t really believe in you. I am afraid you will use the skill to do something bad,” explained the cat.

“What?!” the tiger was angry.

“Teach me now! Otherwise I will kill you!”

The tiger attacked the cat. And the fight could not be avoided. The tiger was bigger and had much more strength than the cat. Slowly the cat was cornered, and he had no other choice but to save himself.

The cat ran away and when he found a big tree he immediately climbed it. The tiger chased him, but because he did not know how to climb trees, he just waited under the tree.

The tiger screamed, “Wherever you go, I will chase you. And not only that! When you defecate, I will eat your feces!” The tiger once heard that the cat’s power was in his feces.

And it has happened until now. That’s why every time cats defecates, they always bury their feces with sand or soil. They are afraid tigers will eat their feces!***

8. The Greedy King

Folklore from South Kalimantan

ONCE upon a time there was a kingdom in South Kalimantan. The name of the king was Sang Hiyang. He liked eating. His favorite food was fish intestine. He often asked the palace chef to provide him fish intestine in a big portion. The King Sang Hiyang would be angry when the chef only gave him a small portion. The chef did not have any problem preparing the fish intestine because there was a big river near the palace. She always asked the soldiers to catch the fish.

One day, the chef was restless. The soldiers just gave her a few fish. The soldiers said that it was not a good season to catch the fish. The chef immediately cuts and cleaned the fish from the river. She was thinking about the punishment from the king. She was really worried and she did not concentrate when cutting and cleaning the fish. Accidentally, she dropped the fish intestine to the river. The current was very strong. In just a minute, she lost the entire fish intestine!

The chef was really shocked. She talked to her husband about the problem. He had an idea. He dug the land and collected a lot of worms. He gave the worms to his wife and asked her to cook. At first his wife refused. But the husband convinced her that the worms looked like the fish intestine. The King Sang Hiyang would not recognize the difference.

The chef immediately cooked the worms and prepared it to the king. When it was done, the king ate the worms. He was very happy. He felt that the ‘fish intestine’ was more delicious. He called the chef and asked her to always provide him the delicious fish intestine.

The chef was very worried. She knew sooner or later the king would find out. She did not want to lie. And finally she told the king about the truth. She did not cook fish intestine, instead she cooked worms!

And after King Sang Hiyang knew the truth, he was not angry. He loved to eat the worms. He asked the chef to always prepare the worms in big portions.

Everyday the soldiers dug the land to find the worms. Soon, the numbers of worms were decreasing. The king of worms was angry. He was sad to see his people were gone. He asked the worm soldiers to attack King Sang Hiyang.

The worm soldiers went to the palace. They finally found King Sang Hiyang. The king was so scared to see a lot of worms came to him. Amazingly, the King was the only one who could see the worms. Other people could not see the worms. Therefore, they were wondering why the king looked so scared.

The king ran out of the palace. The worms followed him. They slowly chased King Sang Hiyang. The king did not know where to go. He finally found a big tree. He then climbed the tree. Later the worms surrounded the tree. They could not climb the tree. They just waited on the ground. It has happened for many days. And the king was beginning to be frustrated. He just wanted to die. He wanted to commit suicide!

King Sang Hiyang tore his shirt and he made it as a rope. He already made up his mind. He wanted to hang himself! And after it happened, the people were shocked. They saw King Sang Hiyang was hanging. They said, “Sang Hiyang tergantung! Sang Hiyang tergantung!” It means Sang Hiyang is hung.

Soon the area of the incident was named Sang Hiyang Tergantung and now it slowly changes into Siang Gantung. It is an area in Hulu Sungai Selatan, South Kalimantan. ***

9. My Nest Is Better Than Yours

Folklore from Riau

A quail and a weaver bird were best friends. Although they were very much different, they always helped each other. They always looked for food together. They met in the morning and looked for food until in the afternoon. At night they separated and went home to their own nest.

It was raining. The quail and the weaver bird were under a big tree. While they were waiting for the rain stop, they were talking about their nests.

“My nest is great. It is very clean and strong. I made it by arranging the old leaves and the twigs. I’m really comfortable living in my nest,” said the weaver bird.

“Well, my nest is great. It is also very strong. And I don’t have to be bothered making it. I just need to find a big broken tree and I can live there,” said the quail.

“But compared to your nest, my nest is better,” said the weaver bird.

“I don’t think so. My nest is better than yours,” said the quail.

They kept arguing. Each of them said to have a better nest. What started as a little argument then turned to almost a fight. To prove whose nest was better, they agreed to stay in their nests.

“Let’s stay in my nest tonight. Tomorrow we will stay in your nest,” said the weaver bird.

“I agree!” said the quail.

It was a late in the afternoon. They were going to the weaver bird’s nest.

The nest was at a branch of a tree. It was high. The weaver bird did not have any problem reaching the nest. He was flying and in just a minute he arrived at his nest. Meanwhile the quail had problem arriving at the nest. He could not fly well. Instead, he tried to climb the tree. Finally he succeeded. He arrived at the weaver bird’s nest.

The weaver bird and the quail shared the nest. They started to sleep. Suddenly, the rain fell down heavily. The wind was blowing strongly. The branches of the tree were moving back and forth. The The quail was terrified. He was afraid he would fall down.

“Do something! The branch is swinging. I don’t want to fall down.”

“Don’t worry. We are not going to fall down,” said the weaver bird calmly.

The weaver bird continued to sleep. However, the quail could not sleep at all. He regretted his decision to spend the night at his friend’s nest.

In the morning, they looked for food as usual. And in the afternoon they went to the quail’s nest. And when they arrived, the weaver bird was surprised.

“You live here? Under the big broken tree?” asked the weaver bird.

“Yes. And you don’t have to worry with the wind. The tree is lying on the ground, so it won’t swing.”

Later, they started to sleep. Then rain was falling down heavily. Unfortunately, water was slowly approaching the nest. And they were finally wet.

“I’m so cold,” said the weaver bird.

“Don’t worry, you will dry soon. Let’s continue sleeping,” said the quail.

In the morning, the weaver bird complained about the quail’s nest. The quail also complained about the weaver bird’s nest. Then they realized that their life were different. Since then, they never say to have the better nest.

10. Talaga Warna (The Lake Of Colors)

translation by Lanthanoider

Once upon a time there was a kingdom in West Java. There used to live a wise and kind king named His Majesty Prabu and his wife, the queen. The kingdom was very prosperous under his rule.

Everything went perfect in the kingdom. But there was one thing that made Prabu and the queen sad. They had not a single child. Many people suggested them to adopt a child, but they did not want to as they believed their own son or daughter was better than any adopted child.

The queen got very sad and often cried. Seeing his desperate wife, Prabu decided to leave for the jungle to pray to God. He prayed so that he and her wife could be gifted a child. Somehow, God heard his prayer and made his dream come true. A few months later after his prayer, the queen got pregnant. Everybody in the kingdom was glad to hear that. Their beloved king was finally gifted a child. To express their happiness, they sent His Majesty lots of presents for the baby.

Nine months had passed and a princess was born. The baby later became a very beautiful teenager. Prabu and the queen really loved her. They always fulfilled whatever the princess wanted. Because of that, the princess became a very spoiled girl. Her every wish had to be fulfilled, if not she would be very angry. She became ruder and behaved worse as she started to say bad things. She was not like a true princess at all. Even though, their parents and all the people in the kingdom still loved her.

When she almost turned 17, she became more and more beautiful. No girl could compete her beauty against her. Prabu and the queen had arranged a birthday party, inviting all people in the kingdom to the palace. Hearing that, the people sent lots of presents for her. Prabu stored them in a building and only took some gold and jewels. He later went to the goldsmith and asked him to make the best necklace ever. The goldsmith, of course, gave his best to make the best necklace as he also loved the princess.

The day came where the princess turned 17. All people gathered on the palace field to celebrate her birthday. Prabu and the queen were already out when the princess with her fabulous pretty face appeared, enchanting all the people with her beauty. Then a lady came with a pillow in her hands, a very beautiful necklace on it. Prabu took the necklace and addressed it to the princess. “My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace as a birthday gift. This necklace is given by all the people in this country. They love you so much. Please, wear this.”, said Prabu. She took the necklace and looked at it for a while. The princess response was unbelieveable. She did not like it. “I don’t want to wear this thing! It’s so ugly!”, she cried and threw the necklace away. It landed on the ground – broken – and its jewels and gold spread on the floor.

All the people were astonished. They could not believe what the princess had done. They could not believe that the princess would do such a cruel thing. It hurt their hearts, also the king’s and the queen’s. In the silence they heard the queen crying. Later, all women started crying. Then, everybody cried. It was not long until a miracle happened. The Earth was also crying. Suddenly, a from the underground, a spring emerged. It made a pool of water and filled the whole place. The whole kingdom sank and soon the place became a very big lake.

Nowadays, the lake still exists, but not as big as it was before anymore. It is located in Puncak, West Java. On a very sunny day, the lake is full of beautiful and amazing colors. The colors actually come from the shadows of forest, plants, flowers, and the sky around the lake. But many people believe it is the jewels of the necklace that bring the colors. So is the lake called “Talaga Warna” or “The Lake of Colors.”


Hello Debaters!

It is an honor for Manda and I (Melda) welcoming you to AWWE 2015. It has been years that AWWE served as one of the biggest senior high school debating championships in South Kalimantan. We believe AWWE has served way more than just a debate competition; it is a learning ground, a benchmark for debating circuit in South Kalimantan. So we believe the quality of the competition should be improved and be relevant to the current debating world.

Here comes the motions 😀

For all of you who has been waiting for the motions. Please be mindful for several things.

It is a PREPARED motion. It means, you got to buckle up with sufficient data and information. Do brainstorming with your team mate and take its advantages to collect AS MUCH AS you could find on.

Internet research is HIGHLY and EXTREMELY suggested to understand the content.

ALL prepared motion will be used. None will be on the back sit, collecting dust.

If you TRULY cannot understand the motion, please do not hesitate to contact me (082172187465) or Manda (082159660069)


Our Legacy

THW bar its citizens from tourism trips to countries with high rates of child prostitution

THBT China should subsidize families for every daughter born

THW criminalize all forms of high school bullying (including physical, verbal, written, cyber bullying and boycotting)


Spongebob said “Imagination….”

There is a potion which can stop you falling in love. TH, as an 18 year old, would take the potion

If World War III occurred and the world turns into ashes, THBT the remaining citizen should create factions (Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, and Candor) as new world order

This House, as a superhero, would agree to use their powers solely in service of the democratic state


Still Unsolved…

This House Would legalize the buying and selling of sexual services

THBT laws about abortion should be decided in women-only referenda

THBT the international community should cut off internet access in Syria



Tema             : Explore your language with art !

Topik               :

SMA/SMK Students :

A. Puisi Wajib (Pilih salah satu) :


A Dream Within a Dream

By Edgar Allan Poe


Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?


A Bird Came Down
By Emily Dickinson

A bird came down the walk:
He did not know I saw;
He bit an angle-worm in halves
And ate the fellow, raw.

And then he drank a dew
From a convenient grass,
And then hopped sidewise to the wall
To let a beetle pass.

He glanced with rapid eyes
That hurried all abroad,-
They looked like frightened beads, I thought;
He stirred his velvet head

Like one in danger; cautious,
I offered him a crumb,
And he unrolled his feathers
And rowed him softer home

Than oars divide the ocean,
Too silver for a seam,
Or butterflies, off banks of noon,
Leap, plashless, as they swim.


By Maya Angelou

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don’t believe I’m wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

There are some millionaires
With money they can’t use
Their wives run round like banshees
Their children sing the blues
They’ve got expensive doctors
To cure their hearts of stone

But nobody
No, nobody
Can make it out here alone

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

Now if you listen closely
I’ll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The race of man is suffering
And I can hear the moan

‘Cause nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone

Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

B. Puisi Bebas (Hanya satu puisi)


Tema             : Speak for the better changes!

Topik               :

SMA/SMK Students:

  • The importance of learning English
  • The role of new generation to keep Banjarese culture
  • Tackling Trash problem in Banjarmasin

College Students:

  • The influence of IT for education
  • Reminiscence of Banjarese culture
  • The importance of drainage system in Banjarmasin

about AWWE


Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan dinamika masyarakat dunia, Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional yang memiliki peran penting dalam berbagai bidang, dan turut serta membangun dunia menuju peradaban yang lebih maju. Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pemersatu antar Negara di belahan dunia sangatlah penting posisinya untuk menjalin hubungan komunikasi antar Negara. Di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, penguasaan bahasa asing, khususnya Bahasa Inggris pada kenyataannya semakin diperlukan untuk digunakan dalam berkomunikasi dan hal ini muncul sebagai salah satu syarat utama untuk ikut dalam menjalin kerjasama antar Negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka ESA (English Student Association) selaku himpunan mahasiswa program studi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat bermaksud untuk menyelenggarakan suatu kegiatan yang dapat menguji keterampilan berbahasa Inggris, mengembangkan kreatifitas dan tempat untuk menyalurkan potensi dan bakat para peserta yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut. Kegiatan yang dimaksud bernama AWWE (A Week with English).

AWWE (A Week with English) merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh ESA (English Student Associaton) yang merupakan agenda wajib dalam satu periode kepengurusan dan termasuk salah satu kegiatan yang digolongkan dalam kegiatan besar yang diprakarsai oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa di lingkungan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin. Dari waktu ke waktu, ESA terus bekerja untuk melakukan inovasi-inovasi baru dalam menciptakan ide-ide segar agar kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan dapat terus berkembang, baik dari segi format maupun kualitas penyelenggaraannya. Kegiatan AWWE memberikan sarana bagi para pesertanya untuk mengasah kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka melalui berbagai ajang kompetisi, selain itu diharapkan pula para pesertaaya dapat menambah wawasan dan memperoleh pembelajaran melalui proses yang menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga dapat menambah motivasi dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Tema yang kami angkat pada AWWE periode 2014/2015 ini adalah “Enrich Your English Competence with Experience, Persistence, Confidence” Kami berharap pada akhirnya kegiatan ini mampu berkontribusi dalam menyuarakan perkembangan Bahasa Inggris di lingkungan pendidikan di wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan serta menjadi tolok ukur untuk memajukan Bangsa dan Negara.

  1. AWWE (A Week with English) mempunyai beberapa tujuan, antara lain:
  2. Sebagai wadah untuk pelajar tingkat SMP/Sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) se-Kalimantan Selatan untuk mengaktualisasikan dirinya dalam penggunaan Bahasa Inggris.
  3. Sebagai sarana pembangun suasana yang akrab, bersahabat, dan sportif serta mempererat tali silaturahmi antar pelajar tingkat SMP/sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) se-Kalimantan Selatan.
  4. Membangun motivasi dalam diri para pelajar tingkat SMP/Sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) se-Kalimantan Selatan untuk terus berkreasi dan meraih prestasi.
  5. Memberikan gambaran umum tentang belajar Bahasa Inggris secara menarik untuk meningkatkan minat dan bakat para pelajar tingkat SMP/Sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) se-Kalimantan Selatan terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui kompetisi.
  6. Sebagai wadah penyaluran bakat, kreativitas, dan minat para pelajar tingkat SMP/Sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) tingkat Universitas se-Kalimantan Selatan terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
  7. Mendorong peserta tingkat SMP/Sederajat, SMA/Sederajat, dan Mahasiswa(i) se-Kalimantan Selatan untuk menciptakan suasana berbahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.

Ketentuan Lomba


  1. Speech Contest
  1. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 21 Desember 2014 – 21 Januari 2014 bertempat di Sakadomas FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  2. Biaya pendaftaran adalah sebesar Rp 95.000,-
  3. Peserta adalah siswa(i) SMA/sederajat dan Mahasiswa se-Kalimantan Selatan.
  4. Peserta didampingi oleh 1 guru pendamping.
  5. Peserta dibatasi sampai 20 orang untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas, dan 20 orang untuk Mahasiswa.Apabila sudah memenuhi kuota maka pendaftaran akan ditutup.
  6. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui telepon atas namaIstiwidiastuti (089691784223) dan mengkonfirmasikan pendaftarannya pada Technical Meeting.


  1. Peserta/perwakilan peserta wajib hadir dalam Technical Meeting tanggal23 Januari  

2015 untuk pengambilan nomor urut peserta. Bagi peserta/perwakilan peserta tidak dapat hadir, maka nomor urut akan ditentukan oleh panitia.

  1. Peserta harus memakai nomor yang telah diundi pada Technical Meeting, dan akan

tampil sesuai nomor urut tersebut.

  1. Peserta hadir 30 menit sebelum perlombaan dimulai.
  2. Keterlambatan maksimal 15 menitsetelah registrasi, lewat dari itu maka peserta akan


  1. Setiap peserta diberikan waktu maksimal 8 menit untuk pidato.
  2. Peserta diminta untuk menyerahkan salinan naskah pidatonya sebanyak 4 (empat)


  1. Pidato peserta dinilai berdasarkan matter, manner, dan method.
  2. Peserta diwajibkan memakai pakaian sasirangan/batik
  3. Keputusan juri mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
  4. Keputusan dewan juri mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


  1. Naskah pidato merupakan naskah yang belum pernah digunakan dalam lomba pidato manapun sebelumnya. Apabila peserta menggunakan naskah yang sudah pernah digunakan sebelumnya dan diketahui oleh juri, maka peserta akan dikenakan pengurangan nilai sesuai dengan keputusan dewan juri.
  2. Naskah pidato merupakan naskah asli yang dibuat oleh peserta dan bukan hasil plagiarisme. Apabila peserta menggunakan naskah hasil plagiarisme dan diketahui oleh juri, maka peserta akan langsung didiskualifikasi.
  3. Naskah pidato diketik menggunakan bahasa Inggris menggunakan font“Times New Roman” ukuran 12 dengan spasi 1,5, serta dicetak di atas kertas ukuran A4.
  4. Naskah pidato peserta wajib dibuat 4 (empat) rangkap dan diserahkan kepada panitia pada saat registrasi.




    1. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 21 Desember 2014 – 21 Januari 2015 bertempat di Sakadomas FKIP Unlam.
    2. Biaya pendaftaran adalah sebesar Rp150.000,-
    3. Peserta adalah siswa(i) SMA/sederajat se-Kalimantan Selatan.
    4. Masing-masing sekolah hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan maksimal 1 team yang

terdiri dari 3 orang (tidak boleh lebih ataupun kurang) delegasi.

  1. Satu team didampingi oleh 1 guru pendamping.
  2. Peserta dibatasi sampai 10 team, apabila sudah memenuhi kuota maka pendaftaran akan ditutup.
  1. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui telepon atas namaNadhifa Asyitah (085348637034) dan mengkonfirmasikan pendaftarannya pada Technical Meeting.
  1. Hadirpada Technical Meeting tanggal23 Januari 2015
  2. Hadir 30 menitsebelum acara dimulai.
  3. Peralatan dan bahanuntukmembuatmajalahdindingdipersiapkansendiriolehpeserta.
  4. Pesertadiberiwaktuselama4,5 jamuntukmenyelesaikanpekerjaannya, apabilawaktu yang ditentukanhabismakapesertaharusmenghentikanpekerjaannya.
  5. PesertaharusmengerjakansemuaWallMagz-nya di tempatlomba. Tidakdiperbolehkanmembawakertas yang sudahberbentukatau yang sudah di tulis. Panitiaberhakmemeriksabarangbawaanpeserta.
  6. Semuatulisandalammajalahdindingharusmenggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
  7. Majalahdindingdisarankandibuatdenganmenggunakanbahandaurulang / bekas
  8. Ukuranmajalahdinding ( 2m x 1,5m x 1,5m)
  9. Isi majalahdindingseperti editorial, artikel, dancerpenditulisdengantulisantangan (tidakdiketik).
  10. Isi majalahdindingmengangkattentang tempat-tempat wisata (Tourism Resort).
  11. Masing-masing team akandiawasiolehsatu orang pengawas.
  12. Dilarangmemasangartikeldansejenisnya yang berisi kata-kata tidaksopan, danhal-hal yang mengandungunsur SARA.
  13. Foto boleh diprint (disiapkan di rumah), content bolehdisiapkandalambentuk print out kemudian di tulis di tempatlomba
  14. Kriteriapenilaian :KeterkaitanisiwallMagzdengantema yang sudah di tentukan, kreatifitas, grammatical tulisan, kerapianwallmagz.
  15. Majalahdindingdibawapulangolehpesertasetelahpenutupan AWWE berakhir
  16. Pesertadiwajibkanmemakaipakaianseragam sekolah. (dijelaskan pada saat technical meeting)
  17. Peserta harus mampu menjelaskan isi madingnya dengan bahasa inggris setelah pengerjaan selesai.

Informasi Wall Magazine : Nadhifa Asyitah (085348637034)  


  Biaya dan Ketentuan Pendaftaran

  1. Pendaftaran dibuka dari 21 Desember 2014 s.d. 21 Januari 2015 bertempat di Sakadomas (halaman tengah FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin).
  2. Biaya Pendaftaran Rp. 80.000,00/orang.
  3. Peserta untuk siswa/siswi SMA/sederajat se-Kalimantan Selatan.
  4. Masing-masing sekolah hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan maksimal 2 orang delegasi beserta 1 guru pendamping.
  5. Peserta dibatasi sampai 20 orang siswa/siswi SMA dan sederajat se-Kalimantan Selatan, apabila sudah memenuhi kuota maka pendaftaran akan ditutup.
  6. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui telepon atas namaRetno Srikandi (085348754522) dan mengkonfirmasikan pendaftarannya pada Technical Meeting.

Ketentuan Lomba

  1. Hadir pada Technical Meeting23 Januari 2015 dan melakukan pengambilan nomor urut peserta. Jika peserta atau perwakilan tidak hadir pada saat Technical Meeting maka nomor urut akan ditentukan oleh panitia.
  2. Hadir 30 menit sebelum acara dimulai.
  3. Dilarang berdiskusi dan membuka kamus.
  4. Papan scrabble disediakan oleh panitia.
  5. Peraturan ditentukan oleh panitia dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat, dan disetujui oleh peserta pada saat Technical Meeting.
  6. Pendamping dilarang memasuki area pertandingan.
  7. Peserta diwajibkan memakai pakaian seragam sekolah.
  8. Kamus yang menjadi acuan adalah official scrabble dictionary dan kamus scrabble elektronik (electronic scrabble dictionary) .


  • Senin, 26 Januari 2015 (satu hari)
  • Jam 10.00 s.d. selesai.

Technical Meeting

  • Tiga hari sebelum hari H


  • Ruang 23 FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


  • Retno Srikandi

Kuota Peserta

  • 20 orang


  1. Story Telling Contest

Ketentuan Lomba

Peserta lomba adalah siswa/siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Sekolah Menengah Atas dan sederajat se-Kalimantan Selatan, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

  1. Setiap sekolah diwakili oleh maksimal 2 orang peserta dengan catatan 1 peserta masuk main list dan 1 peserta masuk waiting list. Peserta Waiting list bisa masuk Main list jika sampai pada sehari sebelum Technical Meeting kuota peserta belum terpenuhi.
  2. Daftar dan naskah cerita dapat diakses di
  3. Setelah peserta melakukan registrasi, peserta akan mendapatkan undian utk judul stories yang akan ditampilkan. (Peserta tidak memilih cerita sendiri)
  4. Untuk pendaftaran lomba Story Telling setiap peserta wajib menyerahkan kepada panitia:
  5. Fotokopi kartu pelajar sebanyak 1 lembar
  6. Surat delegasi dari sekolah
  7. Uang pendaftaran @Rp9000,00
  8. Fotokopi bukti transfer bank (jika uang pendaftaran dibayarkan via transfer bank)
  9. Formulir pendaftaran
  10. Setiap peserta dari setiap sekolah atau instansinya didampingi oleh 1 (satu) orang pendamping.
  11. Kuota peserta adalah 40 peserta (20 SMA, 20 SMP).
  12. Peserta diwajibkan menghadiri Technical Meeting pada tanggal 23 Januari 2015.

CP :SMA Fadli (087815993305)                    SMP Ipit (089692167612)  

Teknisi Lomba Lomba terdiri dari satu babak, yaitu Babak Penampilan Tunggal

  1. Semua peserta yang telah registrasi dan mendapatkan nomor undian akan memasuki ruang perlombaan story telling.
  2. Peserta akan dipanggil satu-per-satu dan menceritakan kisah sesuai dengan naskah yang telah dikumpulkan kepada panitia.
  3. Setiap peserta dipersilakan untuk menceritakan kisahnya dengan durasi maksimal 6 menit untuk kategori SMP dan 7 menit untuk kategori SMA.
  4. Tiga peserta yang menjadi juara adalah tiga peserta dengan akumulasi nilai paling tinggi.
  1. Poetry Recital Contest
  2. Ketentuan Lomba
    1. Peserta wajib menyelesaikan biaya registrasi paling lambat pada saat TM
    2. Peserta hanya boleh mengikuti 1 group saja (jika ditemukan peserta yang mengisi 2 group yang berbeda akan langsung didiskualifikasi)
    3. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui telepon atas namaIkaNurliana (08125591105) dan mengkonfirmasikan pendaftarannya pada Technical Meeting.
    4. Peserta wajib melakukan registrasi ulang pada saat TM dan pada saat hari perlombaan
    5. Peserta/perwakilannya wajib menghadiri TM pada tanggal 23 Januari 2015, jika tidak maka pengambilan nomor urut peserta akan diwakilkan oleh panitia.
    6. Peserta membawa alat music dan properties masing-masing, Panitia hanya menyediakan alat music standart tanpa drum.
    7. Peserta harus berada di tempat 15 menit sebelum acara dimulai
    8. Peserta merupakan siswa yang berstatus aktif
    9. Peserta akan mendapatkan kesempatan tampil dua kali. Pada penampilan pertama, peserta diharuskan membacakan puisi wajib dan pada penampilan kedua, peserta diharuskan membacakan salah satu dari puisi pilihan.
    10. Ketentuan puisi akan dipost di
    11. Durasi waktu yang diberikan 15 menit untuk kedua puisi, sudah termasuk waktu check sound. Jika penampilan melebihi batas waktu yang diberikan, maka juri akan mengurangi poin penilaian
    12. Peserta diperbolehkan untuk mengekspresikan puisi yang dibacakan dengan metode apapun.
    13. Peserta akan mendapat nomor urut penampilan di technical meeting.
    14. Peserta yang mendapat giliran akan dipanggil sebanyak tiga kali.Jika peserta tidak hadir setelah 3 kali panggilan, maka peserta tersebut otomatis akan disimpan di nomor urut terakhir dan akan kembali dipanggil sebanyak 3 kali.
    15. Jika peserta tetap tidak hadir tanpa pemberitahuan yang jelas, maka peserta dinyatakan didiskualifikasi dan uang pendaftaran tidak dapat diambil kembali.
    16. Peserta diperbolehkan membawa propertiesuntuk mendukung penampilan.
    17. Pengurangan poin : a)      Jika puisi yang dibacakan terlewat satu baris akan dikurangi 1 poin; b)      Jika puisi yang dibacakan terlewat satu bait akan dikurangi 3 poin; c)      Peserta yang terlalu sering melihat teksakan dikenai pengurangan nilai sesuai dengan penilaian juri.
    18. Penilaian berdasarkan 6 kriteria yaitu; a)      Physical Presence, (Projecting ease & confidence, gestures and eye contact) b)      Voice and articulation, (volume, pace, intonation, rhythm, and proper pronunciation) c)      Dramatic Appropriateness, (avoidingaffected pitch, character voices,inappropriate tone, distracting or excessive gestures, or unnecessary emoting) d)      Evidence of understanding,(intonation, emphasis, tone, style of delivery)Skor maksimal untuk setiap kriteria adalah 50..
    19. Peserta wajib mengenakan tanda dan nomor peserta. Peserta tidak diperkenankan untuk mengundurkan diri dari pertandingan.Pergantian peserta atau perubahan nama hanya dibolehkan pada saat technical meeting dan apabila mengganti nama atau peserta pada saat hari H dengan alasan apapun maka akan didiskualifikasi.
    20. Keputusan juri mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat dan ketentuan ini bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  1. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 21 Desember 2014 – 21 Januari 2015 bertempat di Perpustakaan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Unlam
  2. Biaya pendaftaran Rp 250.000,00/team ( fasilitas : lunch, snack, sertifikat)
  3. Peserta adalah siswa/siswi SMA/sederajat se-Kalimantan.
  4. Masing-masing sekolah diperkenankan mengirimkan maksimal 2 team ( 1 team main list dan 1 waiting list ) dan 1 team terdiri dari 3 orang + N1 (wajib).
  5. Peserta dibatasi sampai 20 team, apabila sudah memenuhi kuota maka pendaftaran akan ditutup.
  6. Wajib mengumpulkan fotokopi kartu pelajar untuk setiap peserta.
  7. Prepared motion akan di post di pada h-10 sebelum perlombaan
  8. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui telepon atas nama Anita(081250887476) dan mengkonfirmasikan pendaftarannya pada Technical Meeting.
  1. Hadir pada Technical Meeting pada tanggal 22 Januari 2015 dan melakukan pengambilan nomor urut peserta.
  2. Hadir 30 menit sebelum acara di mulai.
  3. Sistem debat yang digunakan adalah Australian Parliamentary.
  4. Panitia tidak menanggung biaya lodging ( penginapan ) dan transportasi peserta.
  5. Peserta diwajibkan memakai pakaian seragam sekolah.
  6. Keputusan juri tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.
  7. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan buka di

Contact Person: Anita(081250887476)     * Hal-hal lain yang belum tercantum di atas akan ditentukan kemudian oleh panitia berdasarkan kepatutan  


  1. Pembukaan AWWE

Hari, tanggal              : Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : 08.00 – 10.00

Tempat                       : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

2. Speech Contest SMA/Sederajat

Hari, tanggal              : Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : 10.00 – selesai

Tempat                       : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

3. Wall Magazine 3D Competition

Hari, tanggal              : Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : 10.00 – selesai

Tempat                       : Lapangan Tumpang 5 FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

4. Scrabble Competition

Hari, tanggal              : Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : 10.00 – selesai

Tempat                       : Ruang Perkuliahan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

5. Speech Contest Mahasiswa

Hari, tanggal              : Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Waktu                        : 08.00 – selesai

Tempat                      : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

6. English Debate Competition

Hari, tanggal               : Selasa dan Rabu, 27 dan 28 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : .08.00 – selesai

Tempat                        : Ruang Perkuliahan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

7. Story Telling Competition SMP/Sederajat dan SMA/Sederajat

Hari, tanggal              : Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Waktu                        : 08.00 – selesai

Tempat                       : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

8. Poetry Recital Contest

Hari, tanggal              : Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

Waktu                        : 08.00 – selesai

Tempat                       : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

9. Penutupan AWWE

Hari, tanggal               : Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Waktu                         : 08.00 – selesai

Tempat                        : Aula Amir Hasan Bondan FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat