Hello Debaters!

It is an honor for Manda and I (Melda) welcoming you to AWWE 2015. It has been years that AWWE served as one of the biggest senior high school debating championships in South Kalimantan. We believe AWWE has served way more than just a debate competition; it is a learning ground, a benchmark for debating circuit in South Kalimantan. So we believe the quality of the competition should be improved and be relevant to the current debating world.

Here comes the motions 😀

For all of you who has been waiting for the motions. Please be mindful for several things.

It is a PREPARED motion. It means, you got to buckle up with sufficient data and information. Do brainstorming with your team mate and take its advantages to collect AS MUCH AS you could find on.

Internet research is HIGHLY and EXTREMELY suggested to understand the content.

ALL prepared motion will be used. None will be on the back sit, collecting dust.

If you TRULY cannot understand the motion, please do not hesitate to contact me (082172187465) or Manda (082159660069)


Our Legacy

THW bar its citizens from tourism trips to countries with high rates of child prostitution

THBT China should subsidize families for every daughter born

THW criminalize all forms of high school bullying (including physical, verbal, written, cyber bullying and boycotting)


Spongebob said “Imagination….”

There is a potion which can stop you falling in love. TH, as an 18 year old, would take the potion

If World War III occurred and the world turns into ashes, THBT the remaining citizen should create factions (Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless, Amity, and Candor) as new world order

This House, as a superhero, would agree to use their powers solely in service of the democratic state


Still Unsolved…

This House Would legalize the buying and selling of sexual services

THBT laws about abortion should be decided in women-only referenda

THBT the international community should cut off internet access in Syria


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